CCTM Consulting

We Lead Your Company Safely Into the Future

In a constantly evolving world, we stand for customized consulting solutions that sustainably strengthen your company and make it fit for the future.

Over 100 Companies and Institutions Have Relied on CCTM's Expertise - A Selection

Frohmatt retirement center

Strategic Positioning

  • Company and environment analysis carried out
  • Positioning and offering strategy developed
  • Organizational need for action identified
  • Infrastructural implications for the institution derived

LIV Leben in Vielfalt

Organizational Analysis

  • Service offerings reviewed and service provision modified (support concept)
  • Structural and process organization reorganized
  • Key locations for service provision defined
  • Comprehensive benchmark study set up and supported in collaboration with similar institutions in Northwestern Switzerland (cost benchmark)

Municipality of Flums

Ageing Strategy / Care Model

  • Environment analysis carried out
  • Ageing strategy / care model developed for the municipality of Flums
  • Alternative legal forms for Kirchbünte retirement home evaluated

Glarus Süd Care

Integrated Care

  • Environment analysis for integrated care in the municipal area, including customer journey
  • Concept for integrated healthcare developed for the municipal area
  • Set up, moderated and implemented merger of Glarus Süd Care with Spitex Sernftal
  • Identified the need for organizational action
    Derived infrastructural implications for the institution

Bank Cler

SME Strategy

  • Environment and competitive analysis conducted
  • Comprehensive customer survey (market research) set up
  • Concept for acquiring new SME customers developed
  • Detailed concepts created for customer support, sales channels, products, etc.
  • Profitability calculations prepared as a basis for decision-makers
  • Action and implementation planning provided for the bank’s management

Bildungsdirektion Kanton BL

Strategic-Political Positioning

  • Analyzed the equal sharing of real estate services for the University of Basel by the supporting cantons
  • Conducted assessments regarding contracts, rental expenses, and service utilizations
  • Derived actionable recommendations for the Department of Education of the Canton of Basel-Landschaft

BVB (Basler Verkehrsbetriebe)

Organization and Resource Planning

  • Identification of personnel surpluses or shortages with regard to upcoming projects
  • Assessment of existing resources in terms of professional competence and performance; creation of a GAP analysis
  • Definition of organizational measures and development of an adjusted personnel and project plan
  • Creation of a resource calculation tool for planning and evaluating internal versus external service provision (Make-or-Buy)


Strategy for Supplementary Insured Patients

  • Conducted demographic and geographic analysis to identify the “patient base” of supplementary insured individuals
  • Derived medical focus areas for service delivery
  • Developed a marketing concept to attract potential patients (direct marketing)
  • Created customer events tailored to the specific target group

Gesundheitsversorgungsregion Plessur

Organizational Regulations

  • Conducted strategic overview with stakeholders and service providers
  • Defined future areas of responsibility for the Plessur Health Care Region, particularly at the interface with service providers
  • Established a Health Commission as a link between politics and service providers
  • Developed organizational regulations as a foundation for the activities of the Plessur Health Care Region


Multi-Project Management

  • Conducted an inventory of all projects
  • Established strategic multi-project management
  • Implemented a software tool for managing and controlling all strategic projects
  • Created a training manual and empowered all project participants
  • Prepared management reports for the board of directors and executive management

Kantonsspital St. Gallen

Organizational Analysis

  • Conducted a situational assessment through structured interviews with all 70 employees
  • Identified areas for action and derived a strategic direction for organizational optimization
  • Established process-oriented thinking among employees using a process map

Krummen Kerzers, Kerzers / FT Logistics

Strategic Cooperation

  • Conducted an environment and competitive analysis
  • Developed possible options for action for a strategic cooperation
  • Created a cooperation concept and formalized it in a cooperation agreement
  • Developed a communication concept to establish the strategic cooperation (FreshCo)

Laureus Stiftung Schweiz

Strategic Positioning

  • Reviewed and documented vision and mission
  • Defined medium- and long-term impact goals
  • Reviewed and streamlined the project landscape to achieve the impact goals
  • Evaluated the composition and structure of the board of trustees and the office

MIBA Genossenschaft

Strategic Realignment

  • Conducted a strategic overview
  • Developed a leadership model for consistent management and control of MIBA, including its subsidiaries, and translated it into organizational regulations
  • Derived resource requirements (personnel/financial) for implementing the strategic realignment
  • Evaluated potential acquisition candidates and supported negotiation talks


Risk Management

  • Analyzed current business risks and opportunities along the CCTM framework as part of an assessment
  • Documented major risk areas in leadership, innovation, value creation, and support processes, highlighting exposure for the corporate group
  • Derived actionable recommendations for risk mitigation

Peikert p-4

Revision of Corporate Strategy

  • Identifying future market opportunities
  • Identifying strengths and weaknesses, assessing capabilities and strengths in relation to the needs arising from market opportunities. Identifying missing competencies and outlining whether and how these can be acquired.
  • Deriving actionable options
  • Finalizing the strategy
  • Reviewing company structure and organization, particularly the requirements for the executive management and the board of directors.
  • Developing a detailed implementation plan

Schweizerische Rheinhäfen

Development Plan for the Port

  • Evaluated specific framework conditions for future port operations
  • Defined key requirements for port operations within its area of influence
  • Identified and assessed potential conflicts of interest in the context of framework conditions, port operations, and urban development
  • Outlined solutions, action options, and implementation approaches


Strategic Repositioning
  • Conducted an environment and competitive analysis
  • Developed strategic positioning options
  • Formulated action approaches in the form of strategic initiatives for organic and inorganic growth
  • Performed financial planning for the upcoming strategy period
  • Established strategic implementation controlling

Spital Uster

Strategic Cooperation

  • Developed a medical model as the basis for a strategic cooperation
  • Elaborated a cooperation concept with the University Hospital Zurich
  • Formulated action approaches in the form of strategic initiatives for organic and inorganic growth
  • Created a cooperation framework agreement based on the cooperation concept
  • Established a cooperation board for the management and steering of the strategic cooperation

St. Bernhard

Service and Operational Concept for New Infrastructure

  • Analyzed service development (inpatient, outpatient) considering the new infrastructure
  • Conducted a written survey among approximately 300 potential residents for senior housing
  • Developed a framework operational concept and financial business plan for the new infrastructure
  • Determined staffing needs, recruited personnel, and calculated costs
  • Created a rental model for senior housing and a financial business plan with two scenarios


Strategy and Organizational Review

  • Developed organizational options and derived the structural setup
  • Conducted strategic and financial analysis and derived a service and location strategy
  • Created an implementation concept with an action catalog
  • Supported the location expansion strategy

Universitätsspital Zürich, Stadtspitäler Zürich

Integration of Geriatric Medicine

  • Developed a basic concept for reorganizing a University Clinic for Acute Geriatrics with flagship status
  • Created a strategic positioning, including a business model
  • Outlined an initial joint operational model

Stadt Zürich

Strategy Development for Zurich City Police

  • Conducted a strategic overview and derived challenges for the police force
  • Defined strategic business areas and developed corresponding directions, including an action catalog
  • Derived organizational implications and appointed personnel to key positions
  • Established a change management process across all levels of the police force
  • Supported implementation controlling over a 4-year period

Stadt Zürich

Review of Leadership and Management Foundations for WOV

  • Conducted an assessment of Outcome-Oriented Public Administration (WOV) across all departments
  • Analyzed WOV in the context of leadership philosophy and organizational characteristics within the City of Zurich
  • Defined strategic direction for sustainable establishment from an organizational, procedural, and systemic perspective

Stadt Zürich

Financial Concept for Primary Schools

  • Developed a preliminary concept to establish a common understanding for the financial realignment
  • Derived a new cost center/cost unit structure for the Primary School Department
  • Implemented system adjustments
  • Established the organizational foundation (structure, processes, role definition) and involved key personnel for implementation

Stadt Zürich

Project Portfolio Management for the School and Sports Department

  • Conducted an inventory of all projects
  • Established strategic multi-project management
  • Implemented a software tool for managing and controlling all strategic projects
  • Created a training manual and empowered all project participants
  • Prepared management reports for the executive management and city council

What results can you expect?

We achieve these results for our customers:

Future Viability

You can rely on our strategies to adapt your company not only to current but also to future market requirements and thus ensure that you remain competitive in the long term.


Through our detailed analysis and consulting, we provide you with a clear overview of your business processes, goals and potential so that you can make well-founded decisions.


With our support, you will find your ideal position on the market by working out your strengths and focusing on them.

Our Service Components

A look behind the scenes reveals: How we make your company fit for the future

Strategy Development

Clear roadmap for the future

Depending on the problem and specific requirements, we develop an individual solution that ensures the future viability of your company.

Organization Development

Be prepared for current and future challenges

We know that the demands on modern organizations are constantly growing. That’s why we design your organizational structures to be future-proof and adapt them seamlessly to changing conditions.

Cooperation and Merger

Growing strongly and sustainable together in the market

In a hyper-connected world, strategic partnerships and mergers are crucial for sustainable growth and strength. We support you with intelligent cooperation and merger strategies that enable you to tap into new potential for success.

Restructuring and Turnaround

Strategic realignment for long-term viability

In critical company phases, a targeted realignment is crucial. We accompany you through the entire turnaround process.

Case Study

Increased Efficiency Through an Implementation Concept With Clearly Defined Milestones

University Hospital puts the focus back on research

Initial Situation:

The dental clinic of a renowned Swiss university enjoyed an excellent reputation worldwide. However, its managers were increasingly consumed by administrative tasks, which limited their time for central research work. The clinic’s organizational structure and responsibilities were unclear, there was a shortage of staff, research efficiency was insufficient and the administration was inefficient. The clinic management aimed to improve research effectiveness and operational efficiency within 12 months and engaged CCTM to support them in this challenge.


The restructuring of the dental clinic of a Swiss university followed a three-pronged approach: first, an inventory was carried out, then organizational changes were outlined and finally implementation was initiated.

The analysis revealed that existing staff potential was not being utilized and research efficiency was lacking. Based on this, new organizational structures were defined and implemented, including new job descriptions and the creation of a study monitor position.
